Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Ya'll Have Me Thrifting and I Love It

I haven't had much time for sewing the past two weeks but I'm hoping things are slowing down enough now for me to work on some things. I've got several skirts to make for myself that aren't even cut out yet. I also want to finish this little doll quilt I've been trying to master.

These fabrics are from LeeAnn in the Pink and Green Swap. I cut into the remnants the night I got her package in the mail and then began sewing it together the next night - but haven't been able to pick it up since then. Time just gets away from me so quickly.

I did luck up Monday afternoon on some thrifting. I found two vintage sheets still wrapped in the plastic for $3.50 each....

...and then all of these soft-as-silk pillowcases for .50 each. I just HAD to bring these home to add to the fabric collection!

Now I don't know about that one with the roller skates...I'm sure it isn't old and I don't know why I thought I had to buy that one...but I did. Oh well.

I'm not sure what I'll do with all of them, but I see aprons, purses, purse linings, pillows, window dressings, etc. I just need to make sure I keep them stacked in view because if they get organized in a box it will be "out of sight - out of mind". That's one of the ways I've accumulated my fabric collection to begin with!

I was so excited about the sheets and pillowcases, and then I spied this on my way to the register.

I just fell in love with this! I don't know if you can tell it by looking at my pitiful photo, but about half of the fern actually hangs off of the fabric. I think it's just beautiful. Different. Unique. The bottom edge says "Sunset Designs 1975". I'm thinking it was framed at some point because there are rusty colored marks around the edges that look to be left by staples. It's in good shape otherwise, and very clean.

I wonder who stitched this. Did she do a lot of crewel embroidery work, or did this one piece convince her it wasn't her cup of tea? Did she work on it for 30 minutes in the evenings after putting the children to bed? How did it leave her possession? I always wonder about things like that when something is handmade. Handmade is a piece of someone. It's a part of that person's heart and mind. And it's a part of their history. And I can't help but wonder.


LeeAnn said...

The doll quilt looks wonderful. It's so strange to see that fabric after being in my fabric stash for years take a different form. Go you!

And look how lucky you have been finding the sheets! Can it get any more satisfying finding so much yardage for so cheap?

Vallen said...

I just found the sheet to one of those pillow cases at the thrift store a few weeks back. Wow!!

beki said...

Wow, what a score!

Sarah and Jack said...

You can find a pillowcase bag tutorial from Martha Stewart, in case you hadn't already seen that!